Pet Chronicles: Hermes


Black and Tan Miniature Dachshund born May 19, 2008

I did not grow up in a household that had any pets, unless you count short-lived goldfish won at the church festival or a hamster named Snowball that my older sister brought home from school one day – he also was not long for this world. No matter how much my sisters and I begged, our parents would not budge. They already had four daughters, and adding a dog to the mix would be more than a handful.

So it was quite a surprise to my parents when one summer night I brought home a black-and-tan Miniature Dachshund pup named Mickey Mantle Hermes Gegenheimer – whom we call Hermes. At first they did not believe that Hermes was my dog; it was unprecedented to just come home with a puppy and expect my parents to accept and deal with it. As predicted, they immediately fell in love with Hermes, and soon they were talking to their friends and any fellow-Miniature-Dachshund owners about their grand-dog.

Hermes loves to go on long walks and play fetch. He also enjoys leisurely drives with his grandparents to historic sites around Indiana – the Lanier Mansion in Madison, IN being his favorite. Also a bit of a trouble-maker, Hermes likes to sneak into the laundry room and find any loose socks or panties – women’s thongs are his favorite. As swift as his namesake Hermes the Greek messenger god, Hermes has participated in the Franklin Dachshund Derby; he has made it to the finals of the Cocktail Weenies division but has yet to win overall – 2011 will be his year to win the gold.

Hermes is very close with his cousin Turpie who is also a Miniature Dachshund. He tried to date the neighbor’s Miniature Dachshund Dutchess, but she moved away shortly after they met. He also keeps in touch with his friends Suge (Pit Bull) and Haans (Doberman Pinscher) via Facebook since they all have busy schedules.

I am a firm believer in the idea that everything happens for a reason, and Hermes is living proof. There was a reason why Hermes was the last of his litter remaining when I decided to stop on my commute home from work at a house with a “Miniature-Dachshund-Puppies-For-Sale” sign in the front yard. I have had Hermes now for almost three years, years during which his unconditional love comforted me as I dealt with my own personal struggles. Having him around when I really needed love was the best thing for me, and I love Hermes for everything he has done for me.

I could have the worst day, say or do the most embarrassing thing, or be going through a tough time, and I know that Hermes will not only be there for me, but that he will also never judge me. Instead of buying into my “I’m-okay” façade, Hermes can sense something is wrong and do the sweetest thing to comfort me – beg to sit with me and lick my face until I relax and realize that everything will be okay. Truly, Hermes is my best friend, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Hermes’ Favorites

TV show – QVC Black Hills Gold hour

movie – The Ugly Dachshund

color – black velvet

actress – Halle Berry

song – Maneater (Hall & Oates)

human snack – popcorn

one-hit-wonder song – Right Here, Right Now (Jesus Jones)

carnival ride – tilt-a-whirl

Olympic sport – synchronized swimming

adult beverage – Mickey’s

meteorologist – Angela Buchman

“toy” – soccer ball

quote – “What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”

(Dwight D. Eisenhower)

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