Pet Chronicles: MJ

My name is Andy Moss.  I started a company called Vision Concepts,  which I sold to Monarch Beverage in 2001.  After I sold the company, I worked there for a few years assisting in the continued growth of Vision Concepts.  At this time Monarch was located on Kentucky Avenue, near the old Indianapolis airport. One day at lunch we were driving down Kentucky Avenue and we saw this dog running down the side of the road. We stopped to make sure the dog was ok and to help her in any way we could.  We were able to corner the dog, and get her into the car.  At first we were all a little nervous, given she was a 50lb stray Pit Bull, however to our delight she was very friendly and she hopped right in and sat down in the back seat like she’s been doing it for years.  After we got her in the car, we took her to the Southside Animal Shelter so she would have an opportunity to either be reunited with her owner or rescued from a potential adopter.  It was brought to our attention that all Pit Bulls not rescued or picked up by their owners will be put down within 24 hours.  From the time we rescued the dog and brought it to the shelter we all fell in love with the animal!  We did not want this beautiful animal to have the chance to being put down.  I had recently gone through a divorce and was lonely.  I was already thinking about going to The Humane Society of Indianapolis and adopting a dog.  So I decided what the heck and decided to rescue the dog we just picked up on Kentucky Avenue.  What really happended, this dog rescued me!  I named her MJ.  After I left Vision Concepts day-to-day operations I moved my office into my condo on the Monon Trail in Broadripple.  Me and MJ lived and worked together, designing and creating hats for the next 5 years, until her passing.  Every morning we would wake up and walk the Monon Trail to the Monon Coffee Shop and have coffee together.  She loved seeing all the patrons and their dogs at the coffee shop every morning.  MJ quickly became a favorite at the shop and with the regulars!  During the day she would lay down by my side while I worked on my many different hat projects.  Often times in the evening we would frequent Plump’s Last Shot in Broadripple.  Once again she was a favorite among the patrons, all the regulars, and all the dog lovers that frequented the establishment.  I had MJ for only a brief time but she made such an impact on my life and was the best companion I have ever had.  I needed her as much as she needed me and we were a good team together.  There are so many dogs out there that need a chance, and once given the opportunity can be such a positive influence on any individual or family!  The point of this story is try not to judge a book by its cover, given a chance you might really be surprised!   MJ was one of the best things that ever happened to me and I miss her every day!

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1 Response to Pet Chronicles: MJ

  1. Tony Nefouse says:

    Good for you for rescuing that pup. We lost both of our Labs in 2008 so I know how you feel. Mr. Bear i rescused from
    After our loss I launched a
    Keep posting!

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