Pet Chronicles: Snickers

SNICKERS (1992-2009)

Snickers lived a long and privileged life.  Born into trouble, he immediately found his life flipped upside down as he landed at The Humane Society of Indianapolis, with no direction of where his life would lead next.  Blessed with good looks and a rambunctious style, his time in the shelter was short-lived.  He immediately found a home with a caring family, and the rest is history.  His owners took the utmost care in making sure that Snickers had the best things life had to offer.  Cooked Salmon, Pig’s Ears, Pupperoni, you name the delicacy and he had it.   He truly had a taste for the finer things in life!

Snickers was a very playful dog.  He loved to fetch, always up for a good wrestling match, and he loved a good unexpected session of Catch Me If You Can.  There has never been a dog more advanced in the art of escape.  Although kind-hearted and always looking to play, Snickers had a dark “protect the pack” side that often overshadowed who the real Snickers was.  Neighborhood domination was always Snicker’s staple.  Whether it be a mailman, family friend, or the Chow Chow walking down the street, if you weren’t a part of the pack, you were going to get warned, Snickers style!  This often times involved a relentless scowl complemented with a very wolf-like growl, intimidation was the name of his game.  Ask any neighborhood kid about Snickers, and they remember!

A majority of Snickers adult years were spent traveling the country making his mark everywhere he landed.  He has always been infamously famous, and he wouldn’t want it any other way.  Like many well-to-do dogs, his golden years were spent in sunny Southern California.  Although aged and not as agile as he once was, there were certain moments where you could see the puppy that still existed within, which never went away. Snickers had a great life and died a very happy dog, perhaps as proud of a dog as there ever was!

RIP Snickers!


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1 Response to Pet Chronicles: Snickers

  1. Cathy Clark says:

    That was a great story about a great dog! I simply loved it and was moved to tears. You characterized Snickers in the best way possible. He was all those things and more. Thanks.

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