Heart Health

Here is what you need to know when it comes to the health of your pet’s heart:

1.  Watch your pet’s weight

Extra pounds add extra strain on your pet’s heart.  Currently about 70% of the pet population is overweight.  If your vet determines your pet is in this category, don’t take this information lightly.  Cut back your pet’s caloric intake, and make exercise a part of the daily routine.  In general, a dog should exercise for at least 20 minutes a day, a cat 10 minutes.

2.  Heartworm medication

Heartworm medication should be given to your pet once a month.  All it takes is one bite from a mesquito to transmit the worm larvae to your pet, which then develops into a large adult heartworm that clogs the heart and leads to failure.  Both cats and dogs should be on preventative medications year round.

3.  Have your vet check for heart murmurs

Cats with murmurs will have shortened life spans.  If diagnosed, they’ll need a test to check the severity, as well as medications to prevent heart failure.  For dogs, it’s just as important to take the necessary steps to make sure your pet is not affected, especially if you own a small breed.

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