Pet Chronicles: Jack Barklaus

It is only fitting that the first version of the pet chronicles be about, a co-founder of The Jack Barklaus Foundation, Mr. Jack Barklaus himself…..

Jack Barklaus was born October 3rd, 2008 in Indianapolis, IN.  He is part Beagle, part Tennessee Walker.  At the ripe young age of 4 months he found himself in a very scary situation.  He was homeless and stuck in an animal shelter (Humane Society of Indianapolis) for the 2nd time in his short life.  Scared and all alone, he didn’t know what was going to happen to him.  Did he do something wrong?  Why did my owner leave me here and never come back?  Am I ever going to get out of this place?  Then one day, a volunteer, noticed this happy looking dog in a room by himself looking at him and barking, and it was an instant match.  We have been best friends ever since!

Jack is now approaching 3 years old and has turned into a fine young canine.  Jack is extremely smart and a very effective communicator, almost too good 🙂  He is very active, and enjoys doing anything that involves getting out of the house.  Some of his favorite activities include:  running in the woods, eating people food, car rides, barking at sketchy-looking people walking down the street, playing with his girlfriend Bella,  and wrestling with anybody who is willing to mix it up.  Let’s just say, he likes to have fun!

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1 Response to Pet Chronicles: Jack Barklaus

  1. Cathy Clark says:

    I love the story of your dog. Sounds like the Humane Society has some great pets!

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